
PS3 better than 360?

I just read an interesting article that pointed out a few things why the 360 isn't improving much, and how the PS3 is about to pass it up. Read the article here. I'm glad I got a PS3 when I did.


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing that article. I agreed with a lot of it. I got a PS3 just a week or two ago and think it's great. The 360 isn't "done" for good, but I think the PS3 has the momentum right now.

If you don't have both of the systems yet, you might want to take a look at this Stacker 2 contest going on win the system of your choice. There are less than 180 entrants so far so chances of winning are pretty decent. All you have to do is design a 6 Hour Power t-shirt. If you win you'll also get a copy of Rise of the Argonauts, a year's supply of 6 Hour Power energy shots, and ten t-shirts with your winning design on it. Check it out at http://www.brickfish.com/Entertainment/Stacker2?tab=overview

Let me know if you have any questions about it. If you enter, be sure to let me know and I'll definitely vote for your design. Good luck.

Rob said...

Is this a spammer?

Unknown said...

Oh, I'm sorry, Rob. I didn't mean to overstep my bounds with my comment. I enjoyed the article Jeff, Beth, and Garrett Olsen linked to and just thought I'd share with you guys this Stacker 2 contest going on where you could win a PS3 or 360. Sorry again.

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