
So you don't like Vista?...

Well, then try Windows Mojave. Its much better and easier!


Rock Band - Traffic

Hehe you guys, just thought i would post this. I thought it was pretty cool. Sorry, i just cant get it out of my head, i love rock band! after the 24th (playing it over at jeff and beth's house), i was rejuvenated all over again! Here it is!

Best Fan Made Iron Man suit

This guy did a really good job on this suit.


Gotta love geek conventions...

Ah summer time. When it's hot, time to barbecue, and geeks get the time to gather for conventions that allow them to finally meet outside of their homes and still feel comfortable with themselves. Check out these pics of comic-con. Looks like a blast.


If Fonts Were People...

Watch THIS video!


Come on down to the Hootenanny!

Found a bunch of cool videos where Weezer invited 250 of their fans to jam with them AND to bring their own instruments. It's a Hootenanny! It would've been so much fun to be there. Check it out here. Also, I found a really good blog post where the person totally dissects the Pork and Beans video and lists the YouTube videos that inspired the music video. There's a few that I had never seen! Check it here. Make sure you watch the Shoes video. That guy is insane but I can't stop laughing. Warning: language.


`Dark Knight' sets box office record with $66.4M

Alright! Now we're talkin'! The rest of the article can be found here. Hopefully, this unstoppable train of awesome can break the weekend record. I would see it again if I thought I had a chance of getting a ticket this weekend!


Terminator 4 Teaser Trailer

Ahhhh! I want this NOW!!!!

Whatever happened to good old fashioned games?

Check out this site. Cool!


Wii Music!

Rock Band controllers will work with new Guitar Hero World Tour

Yes yes yes!!! That is what I was looking for. If you have rock band drums for the 360, they will work on the new guitar hero game!!!! CHECK IT OUT!!!!


20 Must-Have Geek Ringtones

Good list...now where's my iPhone...

Well, guess it's time...

This iPhone app sold me...

Cousin in Heroes!

Well, for a short time anyways...check out the new webisode with my cousin from Transformers! He plays the agent. Such a cool death! Can't wait for the new season!

Fallout3 Gameplay Footage

Adding more to the Fallout sandwich, here's the actual gameplay...

Best.... Trailer... Eeeevar...

At long last...

The Official Fallout 3 Trailer

And there was much rejoicing...


And Capcom gives the E3 opening Hymn...

For the first E3 dumping of the pants...


G4TV's E3 Headquarters Site

Let the games begin! As we all know, G4TV looks like it's going to be the main place from up-to-the-minute news, trailers, and videos. They've opened up the following site as the central place for everything E3:


Since chances are we can't see it all live, this is the main place to watch everything later on. And you won't have to worry about rooting through things that aren't E3-related... like for example, another stupid old news clip telling us once again that Flagship Studios just shut down (yes, gaming news world! We know! WE ALREADY KNOW!!!)

"Gandalf, my old friend... this is going to be an E3 to remember..."

RB Drum Set!

Wow, Rock Band really came back and beat out Guitar Hero's Drums, too bad this bad boy will set you back 300 BUCKS!! This is the premium drum set and will not be included with the game, but will be sold as a separate accessory.


GameStop Specials

I know you guys have ps3's and stuff. Heavenly Sword is only 29.99! Good Deal Click Here, for more of the specials! I also included a ps3 used coupon. Enjoy.

The Halo Kid

He even knows how to reload each gun! hahaha
Halo Kid- The New Star Wars Kid? - Watch more free videos


G4TV's E3 Coverage Schedule

Next week is the HUGE week of E3, and G4TV is covering the entire thing:


Segments of note are the Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo keynote speeches, and the actual gameplay demo footage of Fallout3, Fable2, Resident Evil 5, RockBand 2, and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.
Seriously, this could be the best E3 since that year Vic peed in the Pool of Radiance...


Jedi Gym

Make sure you watch the whole thing.

Where the hell is Matt?

Best Voicemail Ever!

There is nothing wrong with this guy... honest.


Marvel - its the reason why I still go to the theaters

OK OK OK, ever since the ending credits of Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk were revealed (both amazing movies by the way), I don't know about you guys, but an over-rated buzz of who REALLY ARE The Avengers has grown like kids snuffing on super hero crack-cocaine!

This is what i was able to find about The Avengers, very interesting.
And this is about the upcoming phatty movies that will blow your mind!
Here are the top 5 reasons why "The Dark Night" will be the best batman movie!


Rock Band 2 OR Guitar Hero 4!?

Ok, this is very cool news! This makes me want to get Rock Band 2 now... CRAP! And if that set list is accurate...DANG they got some good songs.

Next-Generation's Top 30 E3

Can't wait 'til E3! Next-Gen.biz does a good top 30 most anticipated games of E3. Check it here.
I agree with most of them, and I got more and more excited as the list got closer to #1. Awww Yeeaaahh!

Best Office Prank

First buy lots of paper cups (it’s important to get paper, not plastic or foam, you’ll see why in a minute).

And I mean lots. Dozens and dozens.

Arrange them over every possible inch of space on the victim’s desk.

Then staple them all together as close to the rim as you can, each cup to the ones on each side, so they are all attached. (This is why you need paper cups, foam or plastic split or disintegrate.) Wherever one cup touches another at the rim, staple.

Next, fill each cup as full as you can possible get it - surface tension full - with water.

Finally, retire to a safe distance, wait, watch and enjoy.


Starcraft 2 Gameplay!!!

yes you heard me! Now go HERE

10 manliest Superheroes!

I would have rated Batman a little higher than these guys did. Especially since Batman Begins, and Dark Knight rock!

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