
HeHe Lake, boat, fun!


Jeff Olsen said...

I bounced super high!!! hahaha sooo good!

Anonymous said...

MAN HAHA jeff you were freakin rapin us like no other, you and your so called "bounces" that is! AH good times! i liked how we all got on one and we're like "Uh, NoW wHaT dO wE Do?" yes yes!

Rob said...
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Rob said...

Ahahaha! The first video is the best! Jeff jumps like 5 feet in the air and all you see is a big splash from someone falling off! Ahaha!

Rob said...

The last one is good too, with me holding on to dear life kicking and screaming with half my body skipping on the water. That was so insane! I love it!

Cyndi said...

what a great time! lol. Love the pic of Jon and the fruit bowl in the lake!! Great times!!

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