Best. Blog. Post. Ever.
Jeff Freeman (former lead-designer of Star Wars Galaxies) wrote this post on his personal blogsite. I laughed Pepsi out of my nose while reading it. Do you have any idea how much that BURNS?!
"My wife asks me to open a can of diced tomatoes.
A can.
She uses half of it and hands it back to me.
A half-can of diced tomatoes.
She tells me to put it in a Tupperware container.
I’m standing there holding half a can of diced tomatoes.
I’m thinking….
…I really liked that episode of Battlestar Gallactica when they jumped into the atmosphere. launched all their fighters, and then jumped back into space before they splatted all over the planet’s surface.
That was cool.
…What’s this?"
Posted by Jonathan at 12:04 AM 3 comments
The Fatality You never saw - FINISH HIM!
Posted by Jeff Olsen at 5:30 PM 1 comments
Awwww Yeah!!!!! Looks like Metallica is rockin' Guitar Hero the same day Death Magnetic comes out!!!!
Posted by Rob at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Why WOW was created.
I don't need to say anything else.
Posted by Jeff Olsen at 7:33 PM 2 comments
Trip down memory lane...
Found a great top 50 list of top gaming moments that made us say OMG! I can't believe I actually experienced most of them. Warning: Jon, don't read the CoD4 comment.
Posted by Rob at 9:28 PM 1 comments